Springless Rolling Grilles, Model 600 HC, offers the same safety and security a standard rolling grille with the added benefit of a cycle life that is 15 times longer and the ease of maintenance that comes with Wayne Dalton’s innovative springless design. Ideal for parking garages and other areas with high traffic, Model 600 HC has a lifespan of more than 300,000 cycles, as well as a variety of material, control and safety options.
These springless rolling grilles come standard with enhanced safety devices such as the built-in braking mechanism that prevents uncontrolled curtain travel and photoelectric safety sensors that provide obstruction monitoring during operation to help prevent injury and damage. The innovative springless design creates a rolling grille without a single spring to replace for lower maintenance in the field and long-lasting durability.
This high cycle rolling grille is perfect for parking garages, manufacturing facilities, government facilities or other high traffic areas.
BIM objects are for general reference and should not be used for exact construction information. Please contact a Wayne Dalton Dealer when exact dimensions are required.
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