Wayne Dalton’s Model 500 Rolling Counter Shutters provide the perfect solution for smaller openings that require visually appealing access control. This shutter is designed to be utilized in those applications that incorporate counter tops or openings that require the shutter to rest on a sill. With several different modes of operation including lift-up, crank and motor, our counter shutter is the preferred solution for your application. Whether it’s a concession stand, accounts payable window, sports arena or school food service, Our Model 500 doors are the rolling counter shutters of choice.
High quality, interlocking slats are available in several materials for long-lasting durability. “Box” type guides are designed to reduce operational noise as well as to conceal the fasteners used to attach the shutter to the jamb resulting in quieter operation and greater visual appeal. The counterbalance assembly utilizes a spring barrel design which encases the mechanism while providing an axis around which the curtain coils.
BIM objects are for general reference and should not be used for exact construction information. Please contact a Wayne Dalton Dealer when exact dimensions are required.
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