Our FireStar® Model 700C Rolling Steel Insulated Fire Rated Doors provide a practical and innovative solution to safety and fire protection. Model 700C is insulated with a non-combustible mineral wool insulation that has a flame spread and smoke development of 0, further aiding in the protection of the building. FireStar® doors can be drop-tested and reset at any time by anyone, thanks to a standard auto-reset feature and feature a forward-thinking design that outperforms industry standard fire doors in all areas.
The revolutionary FireStar® design uses a patent-pending planetary gear on the drop-out mechanism ensuring years of reliable service and drop-out performance. Factory-tested and approved for a minimum of 20,000 cycles, the FireStar® door can be used and tested on a regular basis without concerns of premature failure. Our insulated fire rated doors have been tested and approved to meet the requirements of well-known agencies, such as Underwriters Laboratories and Factory Mutual, and conform to NFPA Standard 80.
We incorporate one standardized component design for all FireStar® doors regardless of size, and utilize fewer parts than other models. This helps to ensure more accurate installations and reduces the possibility of potential service calls in the future.
BIM objects are for general reference and should not be used for exact construction information. Please contact a Wayne Dalton Dealer when exact dimensions are required.
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