Wayne Dalton’s ThermoTite® 800C Rolling Service Door is designed to meet the tough requirements of virtually any commercial or industrial application, with the added advantage of energy efficiency. The ThermoTite® 800C offers flexibility in substrate materials with choices of galvanized or primed steel, stainless steel or aluminum. This door is designed to withstand wind loads of up to ±20 psf standard, with optional wind load ratings of up to ±55 psf.
These insulated rolling service doors are composed of flat slats that provide a natural watershed, helping to reduce corrosion. Foamed-in-place polyurethane insulation with an R-value* of 7.7 fills the slat to enhance a building’s thermal efficiency. The slats are designed with free-acting interlocking joints that permit easy articulation when the door coils.
Model 800C features a strong double-angle bottom bar designed for easy installation and does not require fasteners in the guide openings, so the bottom bar does not interfere with door operation.
The counterbalance assembly consists of a spring barrel which serves as load-carrying beam. It encases the counterbalance mechanism and provides the axis around which the curtain coils. (Deflection is limited to 0.033" per lineal foot of span.)
*Wayne Dalton uses a calculated door section R-value for our insulated doors.
BIM objects are for general reference and should not be used for exact construction information. Please contact a Wayne Dalton Dealer when exact dimensions are required.
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