Model 881 ADV-Xtreme
Wayne Dalton’s Model 881 ADV-Xtreme interior high speed fabric door is designed to be used indoors in high traffic and environmentally controlled areas. It is ideal for distribution and manufacturing facilities that require controlled environments or where there's high traffic from forklift operation.
Model 881 ADV-Xtreme’s airtight design prevents airborne contaminants from entering the controlled and non-controlled environments and reduces air exchange to no higher than .236 cfm/sf (ASTM E-283). The door's strutless design lowers the operational noise of the door for quiet and smooth operation. Model 881 is capable of withstanding pressure of up to 7.5 psf, making it an excellent option to separate high and low pressure rooms in large facilities.
BIM objects are for general reference and should not be used for exact construction information. Please contact a Wayne Dalton Dealer when exact dimensions are required.
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