Nothing compares to the strength and smarts of LiftMaster industrial-duty commercial door operators. Customizable to any environment, these are must-have openers for the toughest workplaces.
Business Connectivity
Monitor and Control - myQ® technology enables monitoring and control of the operators through a mobile app.
Real-time alerts - Indicate the status of doors via email.
Business Safety and Security
Safety Standards - Meets UL 325 Safety Standards.
Commercial Safety Sensors - Protect people and vehicles with safety sensors and accessories that stop the door from closing on obstructions.
Timer to Close - Integrated timer-to-close programmable from 5 to 60 seconds in 5-second increments. Allows for timed automatic door closure after the door reaches the full open position.
Security+ 2.0® - Safeguard facility access with Security + 2.0 technology, opening for registered devices only.
Commercial Power
Multiple Power Options - Available in 1/2, and 3/4 HP
Dual Voltage Connections - Single-phase: 115V and 230V, 3-phase: 208V, 230V and 460V, Discrete model: 575V
Customizable Voltage - To meet job requirements
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墨西哥 |