LiftMaster’s ® Custom Solutions are integrated packages, assuring seamless integration of a motorized Commercial Door System. The combination of advanced technology, features and accessories provided by LiftMaster simplifies the process of determining the best solution to meet your specific automatic door operator application.
Ideal for applications with limited hourly cycles, LiftMaster light-duty commercial door operators are strong, powerful and highly reliable.
Business Connectivity
Monitor and Control - myQ Smart Facility Access is a cloud-based software solution that delivers real-time data and analytics to a commercial facility.Business Safety and Security
Safety Standards - Meets UL 325 Safety Standards.
Commercial Safety Sensors - Protect people and vehicles with safety sensors and accessories that stop the door from closing on obstructions.
Security+ 2.0® - Safeguard facility access with Security + 2.0 technology, opening for registered devices only.
Commercial Power
Current Rating - 120V AC, 60Hz Voltage, 1.5A Current Rating
UL® Listed
Reduce Maintenance - Extend hardware life and reduce maintenance with smooth start/stop operation.
Ensure Access - Ensure access to the facility when the power's out by adding Battery Backup (485LM, optional accessory)
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