Easily shoot and stream high-quality 4K 60p video with this space-saving point-of-view remote camera that covers the whole room with its wide field of view.
The SRG-XP1 POV (point of view) camera offers an accessible entry point into the world of 4K video production. It's ideal for 'unattended' video streaming in environments including e-sports venues and reality TV shows, classrooms, meeting space and hospital operating rooms where it can also serve as a high-quality secondary camera.
Compact dimensions and simple installation make the SRG-XP1 ideal for multi-camera setups with no need for dedicated camera operators. It can be used on walls, ceilings, tripods and shelves, as well as space-limited locations where it's costly or impractical to install large numbers of full-size cameras.
The wide angle lens covers a generous over-102° (with distortion correction: 85°) field of view (horizontal), allowing the camera to see an entire subject, even from very close range. It can also capture the entire audience in a classroom or auditorium—even from tricky positions where it's hard to install an ordinary room camera.
Streaming video, power and camera control signals are all carried over a standard Ethernet cable, reducing installation costs and simplifying integration in today's IP networked production environments.
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