Bravia FWD-55X75K Displays with built-in tuners
The FWD-55X75K are new generation 4K HDR professional displays from Sony in the popular 55” size. They’re input-agile, feature-rich displays with stunning color and clarity.
The X75K models bring advanced built-in tuner and video processing features to ensure that every kind of content – from any source – is easily available to any user, including business users, students/faculty, doctors/patients, command center staff, or government/civic office users.
Both models support Google TV with Google Assistant to browse content from favorite streaming apps. And they support mobile device screen mirroring.
Step into the 4K HDR TV experience with a TV that has four times the resolution of Full HD. And Sony’s 4K Processor X1 works behind the scenes to enhance color, contrast, and details for every kind of content.
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