Designed primarily for use with bi-folding doors the Halliday + Baillie HB 675 Flush Pull would just as well suit pivot doors, swinging hinge doors, or cabinetry drawers. It provides an ample lip and generous 16mm internal depth for when a more substantial grip is required.
The offset grip series of flush pulls provide an ample lip and generous 16mm internal depth for when a more substantial grip is required. Due to the offset nature of the grip along one edge of the flush pull, all bi-fold/pivot grip flush pulls are handed and need to be ordered as left hand or right hand versions.
All flush pulls have invisible fixing for a pared back contemporary look. Sold individually.
Material: Diecast zinc
Flush pulls : 170mm x 46mm x 16mm (from back of face plate)
Suitable for timber or aluminum doors. HB604 timber fixing kit not required for aluminum doors.
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