The HB2200 Series of pulls handles are manufactured from solid brass to provide a classic look for glass, timber, and aluminium doors. Pulls come in a range of lengths (300mm, 600mm and 1200mm) with a 19mm rod diameter.
All pulls can be used as through fix, back to back pairs, and have fittings for use on glass doors. The addition of the HB2260 Knob provides both a finishing detail, and can be used similar to a cabinet knob when the pull is required to one side of the door only.
Our D Pulls are fabricated from solid brass, and as such they are heavy. For cabinetry thickness doors (18-25mm) where a pull is required to one side of a door or drawer only, we recommend using shorter lengths, or for longer lengths using the through fix sets for optimum stability. We advise installing the optional flange/rose on all single side fixing, and on installations into soft woods such as cedar and pine.
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Северная Америка |
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Британские Виргинские острова |
Виргинские Острова |
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