Easy to use, reliable and flexible AC charging
Stay in control and get the most value from your EV charging program
The CPF50 is easy to configure and control with our EV charging management software.
Count on reliable, tested hardware built to withstand the elements
The CPF50 is available with one or two ports and 18- or 23-foot cables, and it can be mounted on the wall or as a free-standing pedestal. UL Listed, rigorously tested and ENERGY STAR® certified hardware maximizes your charging investment and can be installed outdoors.
Who can use the CPF50?
CPF50 is a versatile solution that can benefit many different businesses, including:
Auto Dealerships
ChargePoint’s terms of use found at: https://www.chargepoint.com/terms-of-use with ChargePoint’s privacy policy found at: https://na.chargepoint.com/privacy-policy; (collectively, “ChargePoint terms”) govern your download and/or use of any of the ChargePoint objects made available on this BIMobject platform (“CP objects”). If you are not eligible or do not agree to the ChargePoint terms, then you do not have ChargePoint’s permission to download or use the CP objects.
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