High-output charging for any EV on the road, today and tomorrow
Universal, adapter-free EV compatibility
Charge any EV on the road today, including Tesla, with ChargePoint Omni Port, which is standard on CP6000.
Simplify site planning and save money with NACS (Tesla) and J1772 connectors in each port.
Future-proof your investment and evolve with market trends thanks to flexible, modular hardware.
Maximize utilization and reduce wait times by allowing drivers to use
High-output charging
Serve more drivers per station and prepare your site for the future of electrification with faster charging and enhanced energy management.
Attract drivers and provide a superior experience with up to 12kW (50A) output per port.
Prepare your site for tomorrow’s larger vehicles with optional configurations providing up to 19.2kW (80A) per port.
+ Avoid electrical upgrades and control electricity costs while serving more drivers with advanced energy management features.
Lower maintenance and repair costs
Minimize downtime and ownership costs with smart components and a modular architecture that simplifies maintenance.
Spend less on replacement parts and labor with individually serviceable components that can be swapped out on-site.
Identify issues faster with LED indicators that communicate charger status in real time.
Diagnose faults remotely and get proactive monitoring enabled by smart components with integrated sensors.
Comply with the most demanding technical requirements
15118 hardware-ready
FHWA Buy American compliant options available
OCPP 2.0.1 certified
CTEP and NTEP compliant
UL listed
Energy STAR certified
ChargePoint’s terms of use found at: https://www.chargepoint.com/terms-of-use together with ChargePoint’s privacy policy found at: https://na.chargepoint.com/privacy-policy(collectively, “ChargePoint terms”) govern your download and/or use of any of the ChargePoint objects made available on this BIMobject platform (“CP objects”). If you are not eligible or do not agree to the ChargePoint terms, then you do not have ChargePoint’s permission to download or use the CP objects.
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