Publikovat produkty
Square Tile Facade (325 mm x 325 mm, prePATINA graphite-grey)

Square Tile Facade (325 mm x 325 mm, prePATINA graphite-grey)

RHEINZINK-Square Tiles are a traditional type of cladding for the small-scale design of facades. These interlocking profiles with a simple pull in joint are held in place with two hidden clips. The small format tiles ensure that an aesthetically pleasing solution can be achieved by the designer and complicated facades difficult corners or curved geometry can be realised. The simplicity of these tiles and the traditional method of installation make them ideal for all façades.
Technická specifikace
  • Jedinečná ref. hodnotaRZK010043
  • Skupina výrobkůZinc cladding
  • Skupina produktůSquare Tile Facade (325 mm x 325 mm, prePATINA graphite-grey)
  • TypObjekt
  • Datum zveřejnění2019-03-01
  • Číslo vydání1
  • Výška (mm)25
  • Hlavní materiálZinek
  • Kategorie objektu BIMKonstrukce - Střecha

Dostupnost regionu
