The 400 Series curtain wall window is a thermally broken, aluminum framed blast and ballistic window. This curtain wall window system reduces installation costs and provides high levels of protection. Forced Entry protection is also available.
These blast-resistant curtain wall windows meet all DOD and GSA blast requirements, as certified by an independent testing facility. Our bullet-proof curtain wall systems deliver exceptional performance to guard against multiple threat types. Not only do they resist bullets blasts and forced entry but also protect against storm and tornado damage.
In addition to providing the highest levels of protection against threats, our fully thermally broken aluminum windows deliver higher degrees of energy efficiency than competing products. This makes them the ideal choice for use in storefronts, as transaction windows or in curtain glass window systems.
To learn more about related products such as the USAW300 and USAW800 series, click on the respective links. As with everything we do, customers can count on us to supply the most advanced and effective solutions that will provide the optimum levels of protection in their window system.
It is recommended that the window system be used in conjunction with protected wall and door areas.
Each end user should determine the blast, ballistic and forced entry threat level to ensure the correct product selection to meet and exceed security needs.
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