Suvinil Floor Concrete Effect
Suvinil Floor Concrete Effect
Suvinil Floor Concrete Effect
Suvinil Floor Concrete Effect

    Suvinil Floor Concrete Effect

    4.9 out of 5 stars4.9(8 reviews)

    Suvinil Floor Concrete Effect is an additive to create seamless, jointless concrete-like finish on floors. It's essential for those who live the City everywhere, even at home. It's mixed to cement to create a beautiful and high-resistant finish, followed by a final coat with Suvinil Floors Resin. With Satin Rustic Finish, Floor Concrete Effect is perfect for indoors and outdoors and is non-slick.

     Available Sizes and Yields: 

    Plastic Pail (4,7 kg): 4,7 m2/ 2 coats.

    Plastic Pail (15 kg): 15 m2/ 2 coats.

    Notes: a. mix 1:1 (w/w) ratio of additive to Cement, plus indicated dilution with water. b.Selected Cement will define the effect tone, open-time and workability during application.

    • Role: Provide satin rustic concrete effect finish on floor surfaces in general.                                                                          

      Indicated Area: Interior and/or exterior;  

      Quality: Premium;                                                                 

      Finish: satin

      Yield: 15 m2/ 2 coats.                                                          

      Surfaces: Indicated for dry or wetable spaces and can be applied on masonry, concrete, stones and ceramic floor tiles. Previous Leveling can be obtained using AC-III Mortar.

    • 产品系列Paint, Varnishes & Finishes
    • 产品组Textures & Special Effects
    • 类型建筑材料材料
    • 发布日期2021-01-08
    • 版本号1
    • 高度 (mm)278
    • 宽度 (mm)274
    • 深度 (mm)274
    • 主材料油漆
    • 次要材料油漆
    • 设计国家/地区巴西
    • 制造国家/地区巴西
    • 净重 (Kg)16
    • BIMobject 类别建筑材料 - 油漆和清漆
    • IFC 分类纹理
    • UNSPSC 名称Finishing materials and products
    • UNSPSC 代码301519
    • Uniclass 2015 代码Ss_40_90_60_95
    • Uniclass 2015 说明Waterborne paint systems
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 代码09 94 13
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 标题Textured Finishing
    • OmniClass 编号23-15 21 11 13 13
    • OmniClass 标题Water Based Textured Paints
    • CSI UniFormat II 代码C3020
    • CSI UniFormat II 标题Floor Finishes