Raise the Bar in your GROW by preserving cannabis quality and streamlining your drying process with Spacesaver’s patent-pending GROW Drying System. Consisting of carts, racks, and mobile carriages that move on rails, the system is designed to help you and your team harvest more efficiently while also preserving plant quality.
The concept is simple: Hang plants once and they remain in place during harvest, transport, and drying. By eliminating unnecessary handling, the system helps keep plants’ molecular structures intact, which reduces terpene and THC degradation. It results in lower labor costs, a more valuable yield, and higher revenues.
The GROW Drying Cart is designed to transport plants from the harvest room to the drying room. In smaller operations, the carts can simply be parked in the drying room until the drying process is complete. In larger facilities, the carts can be unloaded, cleaned, and used in other areas.
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