UVC disinfection batten TMS160C 1X36W TUV SLV/6
Order code: 911401524471
The UV-C batten is designed for the disinfection of surfaces and is suitable for a wide range of applications. The UV-C batten provides universal UV-C irradiance with homogenous distribution. Its disinfection capability is based on the wattage used and a specific exposure time for a given distance from that surface. No person should be present at the time of usage, due to the high risk of harm to eyes and skin. The performance is enhanced by a highly-reflective and durable aluminium body, which improves its efficacy even further and directs the UV-C light to the to-beirradiated surfaces. The lamp holders and end caps are protected against UV-C thanks to dedicated shielding. There is a 1- and 2-lamp version available, for both the bare batten and reflector batten. This offers even greater flexibility.
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