Salsbury wood ADA locker benches combine a traditional look with strength and durability and are an excellent addition to facilities that require accessibility. Constructed of solid butcher block wood, the seating area is 1-1/4" thick, 20" deep, 42" or 48" wide and 18" high. Wood ADA locker benches are available in two (2) configurations, one with back support (39" high) and one without back support (18" high). Wood ADA locker benches with back supports can be placed in an open area while those without back supports are designed to be installed flush against a wall. Each seating area meets ADA requirements and include four (4) 3" diameter bolt mounted pedestals with two (2) mounting holes to secure to the ground. Pedestals feature a durable powder coated black finish. Minor assembly is required.
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马提尼克 |
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