Our portable, free-standing safety railing and guardrail systems meet and exceed OSHA regulations for fall protection compliance. Each one of our fall protection products support our unwavering commitment at Safety Rail Company to help ensure that your work environment is safe, secure and productive. Each one of our safety products are tested and certified to meet or exceed OSHA standards for fall protection. More specifically, our portable, non-penetrating guard rails are classified as hazard barriers by acting as a physical barrier between the worker and the fall hazard. Common applications are flat roof fall protection along the leading edge of roof perimeters, ladder access points, roof hatches, skylight guarding and more. Our guard rail systems are also used on loading docks, shipping pit protection, warehouse traffic lanes, crowd control, pier and rail yard protection and much more.
We take pride in our portable guard rail design. Each safety guardrail system is simple to install and versatile in the respect that they can be set up in a number of different configurations to fit within your existing infrastructure. Once installed, workers are free to move about inside the perimeter without the need of being tied off to an approved anchorage device as with harnesses and lanyards. This allows for complete freedom of movement of secured personnel.
You can rest assured that here at Safety Rail Company, our professional sales and engineering staff is here to help in meeting your specific fall protection requirements. We also provide custom colors and galvanized finishes. Our design and engineering teams work hard to ensure that our safety products meet the highest product quality and performance standards. Give us a call today with any questions you may have. Safety Rail Company is here to support your business by making your work environment safe, secure and OSHA compliant.
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