Roof Hatch Railing Guards are your first line of defense against a fall through an open roof hatch and unguarded roof hatches are an OSHA violation. Rooftop roof hatches, scuttle hatches and stairway hatches all have one thing in common on flat roofs in that they all represent a significant fall hazard when left open. When workers are up on the roof the cover is commonly left open so the worker is not accidentally locked out of the building. This open door scenario also leaves a gaping hole in the roof through which workers can and do fall through often to disastrous consequences.
SRC HatchGuard:
The SRC HatchGuard addresses roof hatch safety by providing an OSHA compliant guard around the hatch. Our freestanding roof hatch guard slips right over the top of the roof hatch and compression fits up against the curb of the hatch. Non-penetrating design eliminates any holes in the roof and roof hatch. Other systems that bolt into the frame of the roof hatch can come loose over time - not the HatchGuard. This simple design consists of 4-welded side frames and a self-closing gate. The Hatchguard features built-in grab bars for safe ingress/egress, a self-closing gate and a 2-foot safe landing zone for workers to safely enter and exit the roof hatch opening. A variety of sizes and finishes are available to meet your needs.
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