The SRC 360 Mobile Safety Railing sections are used in conjunction with the portable cast iron base plates. The railing section can rotate 360 degrees within the base to allow ultimate maneuverability around obstructions or lock in a straight line for long straight runs. The railing will stand 42" above the walking surface, providing an OSHA-compliant fall protection barrier between the worker and fall hazard.
Made from high-strength 1 5/8" steel tubing — strong enough meet or exceed all applicable OSHA standards, yet light enough to be picked up and repositioned easily if needed. Available in lengths from 2' to 10' or custom sizes as needed.
Heavy-duty hot-dipped galvanized finish is readily available for long-term durability in adverse environments. Powder-coated safety yellow finish is also available, with a wide range of RAL color options for a custom appearance. For the highest degree of protection, consider the "powder coat over galvanized" option. This dual process coating provides one of the longest lasting finishes available.
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