Camargue® Skye®; gives you a sense of openness and a sense of protection at the same time. The aluminum louvres in the roof of this pergola can be rotated as you wish, and you can even slide the roof fully open using the patented S-drive technology. As such, this pergola with a retractable roof is ideal for letting in maximum sunlight in winter and gazing at the starry sky in summer. When needed, the double-walled louvres are ready to stop any rain, snow or wind from getting in. Rotate the louvres in your pergola to the ideal position to let in just the amount of sunlight you prefer — and on hot days, the open louvres allow warm air to escape easily.
This pergola is not just extremely functional, it looks extremely sleek too. All wiring, anchoring and water drainage is invisibly concealed. Your pergola with a retractable roof can be installed both as a freestanding or lean-to structure. The possibilities for customization are endless: go for windproof screens, Loggia® or glass sliding panels as side elements, for example, or create a cozy atmosphere with LED lighting and a music or heating system.
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聖文森與格瑞那丁 |
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