Ever growing in popularity as the most commonly specified transaction window, the 600 series single panel slider flush mount window provides lots of light and visibility, energy efficiency, security, and adaptability to site-specific needs. Simply choose the appropriate glass for your project:
INSULATED Dual pane 3/4” clear insulated tempered glass.
ENERGY SAVER Dual pane ¾” insulated low-e tempered (Solarban 70XL) glass.
HURRICANE Miami Dade / Florida Product Approval NOA
Anodized aluminum extrusions and ¾” glazing options combine to give you an attractive window that not only enhances building exteriors, it will not rust, pit or weather. Track free bottom sill provides for a contaminant free surface. Bottom still is angled downward to ensure rain, sleet and snow are deflected away from the interior and includes a security lip. Self-latches every time it closes so it cannot be pushed open from the outside. Also includes a thumb turn lock and night locking bar.
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