T-bar diffusers consists of a coated steel casing with extruded aluminum center tee (minimum 2 slot) and pattern controllers. Air pattern controllers are available in multiple styles to provide various air patterns with a high induction ratio for a high degree of thermal comfort. Matching return diffusers are available to complement supply units and maintain the architectural appearance throughout the space.
Typical Applications
The TBD series of T-bar diffusers are designed for lay-in installation in standard ceiling grids, and are typically installed along the perimeter of commercial spaces. They provide various air patterns with a high induction ratio for a high degree of thermal comfort.
The ice-tong style adjustable pattern controllers provide a full 180° range of air pattern adjustment for both horizontal and vertical set points. When set for a horizontal air pattern, the aerodynamically curved pattern controllers produce a tight ceiling-hugging air pattern, even at low airflow rates.
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马提尼克 |
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