MIRA Series Patio Doors
MIRA patio doors feature a beautiful wood interior clad to protect it from the elements. Whether you choose a hinged or sliding patio door, you’ll love the vast selection of colors, hardware finishes and authentic French door look.
MIRA French Sliding Patio Door
Expansive Entry. Choose a 2-, 3- or 4-panel French sliding patio door with a variety of opening configurations to best suit your floor plan.
Two-panel Door – One panel that slides open from either the left or right and one fixed panel.
Three-panel Door – One active panel that can be located far left, far right or in the center, which can open to the left or right.
Four-panel Door – Choose a bi-parting door with two active center panels that create a large opening and are flanked by stationary panels. Can also be configured with one active door panel that opens to the left or right and three stationary panels.
Authentic French Look. The wide stile and rail recall the look of a genuine French door.
Floor Space Saver. Operable panels slide open to the left or right and do not impede on your interior or exterior space.
Hassle-free Operation. The door panel glides smoothly on stainless steel rollers and sill track.
Enhanced Durability. Sliding French patio doors feature an aluminum sill deck with wood support that helps resist denting and sagging.
Comforting Security. Two-point locking system provides an effective barrier against forced entry.
Stylish Options. Handle set available in rich metallic finishes including polished brass, antique brass, oil-rubbed bronze and satin nickel.
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