The Peerless-AV® SEAMLESS Kitted Universal dvLED Mounting System features a slim and versatile design. This cost-effective, kitted solution is enabled by a patent-pending universal spacer* that makes it adaptable for most latching dvLED displays. The display adaptors and mount frame provide X, Y and Z axis adjustments to overcome uneven walls and to ensure the video wall remains flat. The lightweight aluminum frame quickly mounts to the wall and the quick-connect clamps allow installers to easily secure the displays to the mount frame. Compact packaging reduces warehouse space and generally allows for parcel shipping, which lowers the overall delivery costs. Quickly and easily build the perfect dvLED video wall for a corporate lobby, retail display, sportsbook, concert hall, casino, and much more with Peerless-AV’s SEAMLESS Kitted Universal dvLED Mounting System.
Peerless-AV also offers start to finish support through the SEAMLESS dvLED Video Wall Integration Program. The Peerless-AV dvLED Solutions Team is there every step of the way to ensure every customer receives SEAMLESS product support and service. To learn more, visit
*Universal spacer (DS-LEDUNVSPACER) is sold separately with the 1:1 models.
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