This fire rated counter door features 22-gauge primed galvanized steel and is ideal for applications where safety is as important as style. These NFPA-80 compliant doors are labeled with either a 3 hour UL Class A label for masonry applications, or a 1-1/2 hour UL Class B label for non-masonry fire walls (a 3 hour non-masonry UL label is available upon request). Oversize UL labels are available for certain applications. A host of standard and optional features further improve performance of these doors beyond the norm in fire-rated applications. This fire-rated counter door has exposed components made of primed galvanized steel.
The Fire-Rated Counter Doors Model 640 are ideal for openings requiring a counter-type fire-rated door. Common applications include factories, schools, concessions, hospitals, cafeterias and retail settings. Labeled with either a 3-hour Class A rating for masonry applications, or a 1 1/2-hour Class B label in non-masonry fire walls, these doors are designed to expand upward in a fire, allowing the guides to be installed flush with the sill. This counter fire doors are UL approved and can be custom designed for conveyor openings. Their compact, box-like form also provides an attractive finished appearance that requires minimum side room. This fire-rated counter door has exposed components made of primed galvanized steel. A host of standard and optional features further enhance performance of these doors for fire-rated applications.
Built-In Safety.
These fire-rated counter doors feature fusible links. These links separate at 165°F (74°C) for ambient conditions under 100°F (38°C), or at 212°F (100°C) for ambient conditions over 100°F (38°C), to close the door automatically under governor control. These doors meet strict fire safety testing standards, including New York City (MEA) and State of California (CSFM) requirements.
BIM objects are for general reference and should not be used for exact construction information. Please contact an Overhead Door Distributor when exact dimensions are required.
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