The JBL GSB12 in-ground 12-inch landscape subwoofer augments the low-frequency performance of JBL GSF full-range landscape speakers to provide rich, full-range sound in lawn and garden areas of hospitality, corporate and retail spaces.
The GSB12 focuses on fidelity, with true subwoofer extension down to 30 Hz and a steep, multiple-slope lowpass filter for superior sound. Its premium-grade, 200-watt subwoofer-band transformer allows use in 70V/100V systems or can be connected for low-impedance direct operation.
This sleek, ultra-low-profile speaker—winner of international design awards for industrial design excellence—installs underground, with only the audio port visible. It’s designed to withstand the elements: Its chamber is oriented directly below the audio port to prevent accidental damage from landscaping, which can be a problem with side-located chambers. Grab handles allow easy installation and tabs secure the subwoofer to blocks or anchors.
Add the GSB12 to landscape areas of hotels, shopping complexes, restaurants, public spaces, theme parks or any application that demands legendary JBL sound with deep, rich, powerful bass.
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