Efficiency Through the Roof
Shorter duct runs, created by venting the dryer straight through the roof, can improve drying efficiency and lessen lint buildup. Until now, however, there were no roof terminations that met all of the stringent dryer venting requirements. The new DryerJack® is engineered specifically for dryers. They meet or exceed all code requirements and deliver superior airflow efficiency.
Built to the same quality standards as the Dryerbox®, DryerJack performance stands the test of time.
Roof Vent Advantages
Extra Clearance Model 486U for Flat Roofs
Every DryerJack® is built tough right here in the U.S. By design, the extra clearance model 486 is airflow efficient, and deters pest entry. It includes a removable access door for easy duct cleaning
Special Requirements
DryerJacks are optimally designed for roof pitch between 3/12 and 12/12. Select Model 486U with an integrated curb cover to deliver maximum weather protection for flat roof installations (less than 3/12 pitched roof). Roof pitch in excess of 45 degrees will render the damper ineffective.