The best of both worlds
It is possible to have the best of both worlds. SunGuard® SuperNeutral® products transmit high levels of light and reduce solar heat gain. While their neutral appearance is strikingly similar to clear, uncoated glass, they provide powerful thermal insulation by reflecting specific wavelengths of solar radiation. As a result, the sun’s heat stays out but natural daylight is welcomed in.
By selectively transmitting natural sunlight, reflecting solar heat and insulating against fluctuating outdoor temperatures, SunGuard SuperNeutral architectural glass will reduce energy consumption and costs for heating, cooling and artificial lighting.
Whether you are in a four-season climate or it’s hot year-round, SunGuard SuperNeutral glass offers just the right solar control and thermal insulation for the elements, all the while letting the maximum amount of light in. For warmer weather, it blocks heat and keeps cooled air inside. In colder weather, it blocks cold air and protects against heat loss. No matter the temperature, SuperNeutral controls the sun, insulates and provides great light for buildings.
Build bright, airy spaces, earn LEED® credits and reduce operating costs. With SunGuard® SuperNeutral® 68, it’s all possible. This glass lets in high amounts of natural light while preventing the heat that usually comes with it. SunGuard SuperNeutral 68 transmits the most light and has the most neutral appearance of any SunGuard product. It can also be laminated to deliver sound reduction, security, safety and hurricane protection
THICKNESS 4 - 12 mm
APPLICATIONS Facades Windows Doors Curtain Walls Roofs Skylights
MANUFACTURING OPTIONS Tempered Laminated Heat Strengthened Annealed
AVAILABLE SIZES Maximum Height x Width: 2600 x 3600 mm
RECOMMENDED COATING POSITIONS Laminated: 4 Double glazed: 2
APPLICATION TYPE Can be used in: Laminated, Insulating Glass Unit
南美洲 |
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厄瓜多尔 |
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法属圭亚那 |
玻利维亚 |
福克兰群岛(即马尔维纳斯群岛) |
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