Baby changing table with an adjustable working height of 73 - 113 cm above the floor. The height can be adjusted quickly (3 cm/sec.) and is safe, because only the carer can set their working height. To lessen the heavy lifting required, there is an option to fit steps to the table so that the child can climb up themselves.
Functions and Advantages- Mattress
- 2 x storage baskets
- Extendable ladder
- Programmable table control
- Mixer with extendable hand shower
- Flexible water hoses
- Flexible drainage hose with water trap
欧洲 |
丹麦 |
冰岛 |
列支敦士登 |
卢森堡 |
圣马力诺 |
塞浦路斯 |
奥地利 |
安道尔 |
德国 |
拉脱维亚 |
挪威 |
捷克共和国 |
摩纳哥 |
梵蒂冈 |
比利时 |
法国 |
波兰 |
爱尔兰 |
爱沙尼亚 |
瑞士 |
立陶宛 |
芬兰 |
英国 |
荷兰 |
葡萄牙 |
西班牙 |
马耳他 |