Rigidbilt® Stainless Steel 27" x 29-3/4" x 12-3/4" Floor Mount Single Compartment Scullery Sink w/ Drainboard. Sink is manufactured from 16 gauge 304 Stainless Steel with a Buffed Satin finish, Center drain placement. Sinks supported by (4) 16 gauge stainless steel, 15/8” O.D. tubular legs with bullet shaped feet adjustable up to 1”.
ASME A112.19.3/CSA B45.4
Keywords: Rigidbilt Scullery, Floor Mount Single Compartment Scullery Sink, 304 Stainless Steel, Scullery Sinks, die-drawn sink compartments, 3 compartment scullery sink, elkay sturdibilt scullery sink, scullery sink drain, scullery sink faucet, Faucet Holes, laundry sinks, one-bowl kitchen and bar sinks, freestanding kitchen and bar sinks,
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