Elkay Enhanced Connected ezH2O® Bottle Filling Station & Single ADA Cooler Refrigerated Stainless High Capacity Lead Reduction Quick Filter Change. Chilling Capacity of 8.0 GPH (gallons per hour) of 50F drinking water, based on 80F inlet water and 90F ambient, per ASHRAE 18 testing. Features shall include Visual Filter Monitor, Real Drain, Quick Filter Change, New Offering, Laminar Flow, Hands Free, Green Ticker™, Filtered, FillSafe™, Energy Savings, Cloud Connected Device, Chilled Water, Automatic Filter Status Reset, Antimicrobial*. Furnished with Flexi-Guard ® Safety bubbler. Electronic Bottle Filler Sensor with Electronic Front and Side Bubbler Pushbar activation. Product shall be Wall Mount (On Wall), for Indoor applications, serving 1 station(s). Unit shall be certified to UL 399 and CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 120.
Keywords: ezh20, bottle filler, next gen, lead reduction, reduces lead, reduce lead, take out lead, no lead, low lead, leadfree, NSF, NSF372, NSF 372, EZH20
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