The Brivo ACS100 is a combination control panel and credential reader.
The Brivo ACS100 is a supporting component of your Brivo security platform. The Brivo ACS100 combines a multi-credential reader with a powerful access control panel in a single device. When used with Brivo Mobile Pass, the ACS100 allows touchless entry.
The Brivo ACS100 is indoor/outdoor rated (IP55) and available in mullion, single gang and keypad versions.
Simplifies Installation
Supports a single wire installation for network connection and powering devices at the door.
Enables Modular Expansion
Start with one door or hundreds and enjoy full functionality from the start. Add a second reader for anti passback applications.
Provides Flexibility
Supports multiple credential types including Mobile, Smart Cards, Proximity Cards and PINs. Can be powered via PoE or 12VDC input.
Industry leading security in a beautiful package
Encrypted data storage and communications in an attractive device with three form factors and two color options.
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