The Elevare™ Tension High Wall System is an innovative supporting system for monolithic, laminated or insulating glass without drilling or cut outs. The system features a system of studs of composite materials, top mechanical resistance and REI certification for fire resistance. Allowing glass panels to be in direct contact with the use of articulated screws (rotules) which allow axial and rotation, gaskets and fillers are not required for installation. It’s design allows for the movement/reconfiguration/relocation the connection elements in a monolithic, laminated or insulating glass system.
The maximum panel height is 30’-0”. Configurations may be straight, angled or curved. LCD, pivot, sliding and hinged doors may be installed. Glass doors (single glazed and double glazed) are all compatible within the system. Standard frame finishes include: polyester powder coated finish (RAL), brushed finish, stainless steel finish and custom finishes are also available.
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