The Barn Sliding Glass Door is our standard interior manual sliding glass door which can be integrated into the Solare™ Frameless, Elite™ Freestanding Partition System as well as a solid traditional wall to add a touch of modern style to any entryway.
The door accommodates tempered, laminated and low iron glazing, and can be clear or patterned or have a custom graphic. The Barn Sliding Glass Door fits into a straight or curved configuration. A pair of sliding doors is also an option for wider entries. The minimal 5/8” gap between the door and fixed panel reduces the risk of trapping fingers. Locking hardware is available.
The maximum height for the Barn Sliding Glass Door is 12’-0” and maximum panel width is 4’-0”. The components of the sliding door system are of stainless steel which fit over countersunk fasteners.
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马提尼克 |
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