In 1969, we invented Aluminum Composite Material (ACM), and we’ve been leading the world in design innovation ever since. As the original ACM used in the architectural and building cladding industries for over 50 years, ALUCOBOND gives shape to reliable, high quality and innovative designs.
ALUCOBOND PLUS consists of two sheets of smooth .020" aluminum thermo-bonded to a solid, fire retardant core and has been developed exclusively to allow architects and designers to meet today's fire performance requirements set by the International Building Code (IBC) while using ACM as the material of choice. Proven product properties and benefits of ALUCOBOND PLUS include:
The versatile characteristics of ALUCOBOND PLUS provide for a plethora of applications such as exterior & interior cladding, column covers, canopies, soffits and other types of facades, allowing architects to offer inspiring and innovative designs while meeting the standards of sustainable planning. ALUCOBOND is manufactured in Benton, Kentucky USA
The Male and Female Rainscreen system are an easy to install Drained and Back Ventilated system (DBV). The pre-engineered system is efficient and cost effective. It provides the ability to adhere to AAMA 509-09 DBV rainscreen, NFPA 285 flame spread, ASTM E330 deflection and ASTM E72 serviceability testing.
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