Doors and plaster board walls can easily be damaged, be it scrapes and knocks as people pass, or more serious dents and holes caused by wheeled traffic. Altro Whiterock Matte has been specifically designed to protect these surfaces. Altro Whiterock Matte is dense, impervious and resistant to bumps. It features a lightly textured surface, which camouflages scuffs, keeping the wall area looking better for longer.
Available in four colors, Altro Whiterock Matte matches many Altro Whiterock shades. This offers flexibility with design, making it a versatile solution across a range of areas. Plus the color runs throughout, reducing the visibility of knocks or scrapes. With an impervious, easy-to-wipe surface, Altro Whiterock Matte improves cleanability which is a major advantage within its recommended application areas.
Altro Whiterock Matte is a 2.5mm PVCu panel available in 4' x 10' (4' x 9' 10'') panels.
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