TurboChill™ & TurboChill™ FreeCool 200kW – 1830kW is an air-cooled, single/dual circuit R134a chiller engineered with near silent, oil-free centrifugal Turbcor compressors. The system delivers industry leading energy efficiency and has the capacity to deliver up to twice as much free-cooling as equivalent thermosiphon chillers.
Key features and benefits of the TurboChill™ include:
• ESEER up to 6.16 and class A EER up to 4.35 (over 10.0 at part load)
• Offers concurrent free-cooling for up to 95% of the year
• Centrifugal oil-free compressor provides 25-100% exact capacity match
• Flooded evaporator enhances optimum heat exchange for 15% energy savings
• Microchannel heat exchanger increases heat transfer and lowers airside pressure drop
• Modular V-frame provides increased heat exchange area and improved air flow
• Intelligent compressor management via Airedale intelligent controls
• Select TurboChill™ models included on the Energy Technology List
• Can contribute to a building achieving an additional BREEAM point