GreenGirt Max CMH™ is a maximized continuous insulation system that combines structural composite metal hybrid Z-girt sub-framing and compatible accessories with expert engineering support, featuring 0.20″ steel reinforced flanges. Leveraging best-practice engineering, testing, and the highest quality standards in the industry, you can confidently approach the most demanding projects with ease. GreenGirt Max CMH utilizes the best properties of steel, glass, and polymers to provide a product that is as strong and durable as steel with the highest thermal efficiency. This system is compatible with various insulation types, with mineral wool, spray foam, and rigid board commonly used, allowing for flexibility based on specific project requirements. Its design features interlocking continuous steel inserts, adding strength and stability for a durable build. Meeting the stringent NFPA 285 and ASTM E84 standards, the system ensures superior fire resistance and safety compliance. With compatible accessories and expert engineering support, GreenGirt CMH offers a comprehensive, structurally sound, and energy-efficient solution for modern construction, aligning with sustainability and performance objectives.
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聖文森與格瑞那丁 |
英属维尔京群岛 |
荷属圣马丁 |
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马提尼克 |
墨西哥 |