Vitocrossal 300 CT3B 248 kW

Vitocrossal 300 CT3B 248 kW

Advanced condensing technology makes the Vitocrossal a frugal condensing boiler that is suitable for many di erent applications. The Vitocrossal range, from 87 to 1400 kW, o ers a perfect solution for every application – from heating apartment buildings and public or commercial premises, through to generating heat in local heating networks. Advanced condensing technology The stainless steel Inox-Crossal heat exchanger provides ideal conditions for utilising condensing technology. The smooth stainless steel heat exchanger allows the condensate created by the condensing process to simply run o downwards. Combined with the smooth stainless steel surface, this creates a permanent self-cleaning e ect, thus ensuring that the condensing technology is utilised at a permanently high level, resulting in a longer service life whilst also reducing the maintenance e ort. The Vitocrossal 300 is available with a factory- fitted MatriX radiant burner or prepared for fitting ELCO or Weishaupt pressure-jet gas burners. The highly e ective heat transfer and the high condensation rate enable standard seasonal e ciencies [to DIN] up to 98 % (Hs) [gross cv] / 109 % (Hi) [net cv] to be achieved. These high levels of standard seasonal e ciency are the result of the countercurrent principle of hot gases and boiler water, along with intensive turbulation of the hot gases as they pass over the heating surface.
  • 唯一参考CT3B002
  • 产品系列Heating systems
  • 产品组Gas condensing boilers
  • 类型对象(单个对象)
  • 发布日期2018-02-11
  • 版本号1
  • 高度 (mm)2009
  • 宽度 (mm)988
  • 深度 (mm)1714
  • 主材料
  • 次要材料
  • 设计国家/地区Germany
  • 制造国家/地区Germany
  • 净重 (Kg)660
  • BIMobject 类别暖通空调 - 锅炉
  • IFC 分类锅炉
  • UNSPSC 名称Natural gas powered boilers
  • UNSPSC 代码40102004
  • Uniclass 2015 代码Pr_60_60_08_34
  • Uniclass 2015 说明Gas fired condensing boilers
  • CSI MasterFormat 2014 代码23 52 16.13
  • CSI MasterFormat 2014 标题Stainless-Steel Condensing Boilers
  • OmniClass 编号23-33 11 13
  • OmniClass 标题Condensing Boilers
  • CSI UniFormat II 代码D3020
  • CSI UniFormat II 标题Heat Generating Systems