URSA Mineral wool PUREONE Pure 40RP ES
URSA Mineral wool PUREONE Pure 40RP ES

    URSA Mineral wool PUREONE Pure 40RP ES

    URSA PUREONE is a mineral wool product used in thermal and acoustic insulation of buildings which offers a high performance and many advantages: High performance. URSA PUREONE offers an excellent thermal and acoustic insulation. Its composition technology allows URSA offer a Warranty of 25 years. Its soft-touching, it does not generate dust, fire resistant... The acrylic base technology of its binder grants its high performance. Easy to install. Its soft-touching, it does not generate dust, it does not make the skin get irritated,… It has obtain the First Award 2014- 2015 in “Trophées de la Maison”. Best Inner Air Quality. The URSA PUREONE technology has a 0% of emission of COV, optimizing the quality of the inner air.
    • URSA PUREONE Pure 40 RP mineral wool panel according to EN 13162 standard, covered with kraft paper as a vapor barrier, supplied on a panel or roll. The product is recommended for plasterboards walls. Properties: Reaction to fire: F Thermal conductivity coefficient:0.040 W/mK: thermal resistance R=2.50 [m2K/W] -thickness 100[mm]; thermal resistance R=5.00 [m2K/W] -thickness 200[mm];
    • 唯一参考pureone_40rp
    • 产品系列PURE
    • 产品组Pure
    • 类型对象(单个对象)
    • 发布日期2017-10-22
    • 版本号1
    • 高度 (mm)1200
    • 主材料矿物棉
    • 次要材料
    • 设计国家/地区Spain
    • 制造国家/地区France
    • BIMobject 类别建筑材料 - 隔离
    • IFC 分类材料
    • UNSPSC 名称Insulation
    • UNSPSC 代码3014
    • Uniclass 2015 代码Pr_25_57_06_53
    • Uniclass 2015 说明Mineral wool insulation
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 代码07 21 00
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 标题Thermal Insulation
    • OmniClass 编号23-13 25 19 11 17
    • OmniClass 标题Fiberglass Slab and Board Thermal Insulation