PPs straight rigid pipe have length L 250 - 500 - 1.000 - 2.000 mm., CE certified product in according with EN 14471, is a system in plastic polymer "Polypropylene PPs" for removal of the combustion products from condensation boilers. Produced in 60-80-100-125-160 mm diameters (200 mm. optional). This new system, composed of circular modular elements, resists both positive pressure (5000 Pa - H1) and negative pressure (40 Pa depression). The OLIflex system is used principally for both the discharge of the products of combustion from condensation boilers and the removal of cooking fumes. In the first application the minimum operating temperature is T 120° and the product must guarantee a perfect seal against acidic condensation.
Asia | Europe | Africa | South America | Oceania | North America |
Afghanistan | Albania | Algeria | Argentina | Australia | Belize |
Armenia | Austria | Angola | Bolivia | Fiji | Canada |
Azerbaijan | Belarus | Benin | Brazil | New Caledonia | Costa Rica |
Bangladesh | Belgium | Botswana | Chile | New Zealand | Cuba |
Bhutan | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Burkina Faso | Colombia | Papua New Guinea | Dominican Republic |
Brunei | Bulgaria | Burundi | Ecuador | Solomon Islands | El Salvador |
Cambodia | Croatia | Cameroon | Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) | Timor-Leste | Greenland |
China | Cyprus | Central African Republic | French Guiana | Vanuatu | Guatemala |
Georgia | Czech Republic | Chad | Guyana | Haiti | |
India | Denmark | Côte d'Ivoire | Paraguay | Honduras | |
Indonesia | Estonia | Democratic Republic of the Congo | Peru | Jamaica | |
Iran | Finland | Djibouti | Suriname | Mexico | |
Iraq | France | Egypt | Uruguay | Nicaragua | |
Israel | Germany | Equatorial Guinea | Venezuela | Panama | |
Japan | Greece | Eritrea | Puerto Rico | ||
Jordan | Hungary | Eswatini | The Bahamas | ||
Kazakhstan | Iceland | Ethiopia | Trinidad and Tobago | ||
Kuwait | Ireland | Gabon | United States | ||
Kyrgyzstan | Italy | Ghana | |||
Laos | Latvia | Guinea | |||
Lebanon | Lithuania | Guinea-Bissau | |||
Malaysia | Luxembourg | Kenya | |||
Mongolia | Moldova | Lesotho | |||
Myanmar (Burma) | Montenegro | Liberia | |||
Nepal | Netherlands | Libya | |||
North Korea | North Macedonia | Madagascar | |||
Oman | Norway | Malawi | |||
Pakistan | Poland | Mali | |||
Palestine | Portugal | Mauritania | |||
Philippines | Romania | Morocco | |||
Qatar | Russia | Mozambique | |||
Saudi Arabia | Serbia | Namibia | |||
South Korea | Slovakia | Niger | |||
Sri Lanka | Slovenia | Nigeria | |||
Syria | Spain | Republic of the Congo | |||
Taiwan | Svalbard and Jan Mayen | Rwanda | |||
Tajikistan | Sweden | Senegal | |||
Thailand | Switzerland | Sierra Leone | |||
Türkiye | Ukraine | Somalia | |||
Turkmenistan | United Kingdom | South Africa | |||
United Arab Emirates | South Sudan | ||||
Uzbekistan | Sudan | ||||
Vietnam | Tanzania | ||||
Yemen | The Gambia | ||||
Togo | |||||
Tunisia | |||||
Uganda | |||||
Western Sahara | |||||
Zambia | |||||
Zimbabwe |