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Sound Absorbing Panels "SOUNDMILD" SHIKI NATSU [ 四季 夏 ]
Sound Absorbing Panels "SOUNDMILD" SHIKI NATSU [ 四季 夏 ]
Sound Absorbing Panels "SOUNDMILD" SHIKI NATSU [ 四季 夏 ]
Sound Absorbing Panels "SOUNDMILD" SHIKI NATSU [ 四季 夏 ]
Sound Absorbing Panels "SOUNDMILD" SHIKI NATSU [ 四季 夏 ]
Sound Absorbing Panels "SOUNDMILD" SHIKI NATSU [ 四季 夏 ]
Sound Absorbing Panels "SOUNDMILD" SHIKI NATSU [ 四季 夏 ]
Sound Absorbing Panels "SOUNDMILD" SHIKI NATSU [ 四季 夏 ]
Sound Absorbing Panels "SOUNDMILD" SHIKI NATSU [ 四季 夏 ]
Sound Absorbing Panels "SOUNDMILD" SHIKI NATSU [ 四季 夏 ]
    Yoshikawa-Sensyo [吉川染匠]

    Sound Absorbing Panels "SOUNDMILD" SHIKI NATSU [ 四季 夏 ]

    Art panel with textile surface

    The seasonal flowers and plants of the four seasons, which are often seen in the Rimpa school, are arranged to match the contemporary space and express the seasonal atmosphere of the Rimpa school with the world of Sotatsu Koetsu applied.

    • A piece of genuine Kyo-yuzen silk on white fabric, redesigned with a copy of Koetsu Four Seasons Flower Underpainting Waka Scroll by Hoitsu Sakai, a master of the Rimpa school.

      Sound-absorbing interior materials that bring quality comfort to spaces

      ・Superior sound absorption in the mid-range, mainly at 500 Hz, improves voice clarity.

      ・Improves the sound environment through simple installation with magnets or SM plates.


      ※All products are made-to-order.

    Технічна специфікація
    • Унікальний номерsoundmild_summer-yoshikawasensyo
    • Сімейство продуктівArt panel
    • Група продуктівSound Mild
    • ТипObject (single object)
    • Дата публікації2022-03-02
    • Номер видання1
    • Висота (мм)450
    • Ширина (мм)450
    • Глибина (мм)25
    • Матеріал основнийFabric
    • Матеріал допоміжнийGlass wool
    • Розроблено вJapan
    • Виготовлено вJapan
    • Категорія BIMobjectмеблі - Interior Artwork & Decoration

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