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Viewrail FLIGHT Stack Floating Stairs, Switchback

Viewrail FLIGHT Stack Floating Stairs, Switchback

With awe-inspiring artistry, FLIGHT Stack stands a level above the rest. As you travel from one level to the next, the beautiful tread blocks create a seamless waterfall effect, blending rise and run in seamless perfection. As the first of its kind, Stack hides all of its metal hardware and components, leaving the appearance of only wood treads connecting one floor to the next. This masterpiece is thoughtfully engineered and intentionally designed for open spaces, creating a bold statement in modern homes and business complexes alike.

  • Viewrail maintains certain standards and requirements that must be met. If these requirements are not reached, Viewrail will not be able to produce a Stack system for the client. Please verify your project meets our standard rules:

    • Max Tread Width - 60”
    • Min Tread Width - 27” between glass; 34” between opening
    • Max Tread Depth - 13”
    • Min Tread Depth - 11”, no nosing
    • Code Compliance - Follows IRC, IBC, & ICC Standards on the rise
    • Railing - Always Vedera Glass, no other option
      • 1/2” tempered
      • 9/16” laminate
    • Pans - No pans for 12 treads and under.
      • Systems between 12-15 treads can be freestanding, but need pans for extra support.
    • Systems at or over 15 treads - Requires additional engineering; must go through R&D
      • Requires pans and most likely wall blocking on one side
    • Systems at or over 12 treads - If you are without wall blocking on either side, you will require a custom solution
      • Requires feasibility check, cannot be waived.
Технічна специфікація
  • Унікальний номерfloating-stairs_flight-stack-switchback
  • Сімейство продуктівFLIGHT
  • Група продуктівStack
  • ТипObject (single object)
  • Дата публікації2023-10-25
  • Номер видання1
  • Матеріал основнийSteel
  • Розроблено вUnited States
  • Виготовлено вUnited States
  • Категорія BIMobjectБудівництво - Stairs
  • Класифікація IFCStair Flight
  • Код Uniclass 2015EF_35_10
  • Опис Uniclass 2015Stairs
  • Код CSI MasterFormat 201406 43 13
  • Заголовок CSI MasterFormat 2014Wood Stairs
  • Номер OmniClass23-17 23 17
  • Заголовок OmniClassStairs

Доступність регіону

Північна Америка
United States

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