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Schiedel REI PANNEL Filtri Fumo REI 120 Sistema Doppio Ramificato 3530 con rivestimento su tre lati
Schiedel Italia

Schiedel REI PANNEL Filtri Fumo REI 120 Sistema Doppio Ramificato 3530 con rivestimento su tre lati

System Schiedel REI Pannel for fire exhausting ventilation pipes with certified R.E.I. 120 perfomance.  System in double ramified configuration, with rectangular section 35 x 30 cm and three-sided fireproof coating. Suitable for ventilation systems with min. section of 0,10 m² for smoke exhausting pipes in compliance with DM 30/11/83 apt to smoke evacuation outside the building in case of fire.

  • [Product by Schiedel Srl - Italy. Please check availability and compliance to technical regulations in your country] 

    System Schiedel REI Pannel for fire exhausting ventilation pipes with certified R.E.I. 120 perfomance. Suitable for ventilation systems with min. section of 0,10 m² for smoke exhausting pipes in compliance with DM 30/11/83 apt to smoke evacuation outside the building in case of fire.

    System Schiedel REI Pannel composed by: vertical refractory ceramic chimney pipes h 500 mm with high content of alumina, fireproof certified A1N1 in conformity to UNI EN 1457, with rectangular (30x35 cm) or square section (35x35 cm); single layer gypsum fireboards reinforced with glass-fibers, fireproof certified A1N1, with 15 mm thickness and medium density 0,85 g/cm³. Full system solution certified as system chimney in compliance to UNI EN 1457 and fireproof A1 N1 designated. 

Технічна специфікація
  • Унікальний номерschiedel-rei-pannel-sistema-filtri-fumo-ramificato-3530-rivestimento-su-tre-lati
  • Сімейство продуктівSistemi di protezione passiva
  • Група продуктівFiltri fumo
  • ТипAssembly (multiple objects)
  • Дата публікації2020-04-02
  • Номер видання1
  • Висота (мм)19000
  • Ширина (мм)880
  • Глибина (мм)490
  • Матеріал основнийCeramics
  • Матеріал допоміжнийFiber Glass
  • Розроблено вItaly
  • Виготовлено вItaly
  • Вага нетто (кг)3850
  • Категорія BIMobjectБудівництво - Chimney
  • Код Uniclass 2015Ss_37_17_13
  • Опис Uniclass 2015Chimney systems
  • Номер OmniClass23-19 19 11
  • Заголовок OmniClassComplete Flue and Chimney Systems

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