Safe and functional retractable hose reel suitable for pneumatic tools, staplers and blow guns
The retractable hose reel H20 for water and air is suitable for light industrial use, professional tradesmen or do-it-yourself workshops. The hose reel H20 is retractable and has a robust design in high impact composite materials. Supplied with an easily mounted snap-on, pivoting wall bracket and a unique safety latch for safe and easy service. The hose reel is equally suitable for pneumatic tools, staplers and blow guns.
The hose reel H20 is retractable and has an optimized spring force, ensuring that the hose retracts smoothly and evenly onto the drum. The high quality spring is pre-tensioned at the factory to suit a wide range of applications, and is well protected inside the drum cavity. The self retracting hose reel H20 is very easy to mount, either on walls or on ceilings.
Доступність регіону
Європа | Азія | Африка | Океанія |
Åland Islands | Afghanistan | Algeria | American Samoa |
Albania | Armenia | Angola | Australia |
Andorra | Azerbaijan | Benin | Cook Islands |
Austria | Bahrain | Botswana | Federated States of Micronesia |
Belarus | Bangladesh | Burkina Faso | Fiji |
Belgium | Bhutan | Burundi | French Polynesia |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | British Indian Ocean Territory | Cameroon | Guam |
Bulgaria | Brunei | Cape Verde | Kiribati |
Croatia | Cambodia | Central African Republic | Marshall Islands |
Cyprus | China | Chad | Nauru |
Czech Republic | Christmas Island | Comoros | New Caledonia |
Denmark | Cocos (Keeling) Islands | Côte d'Ivoire | New Zealand |
Estonia | Georgia | Democratic Republic of the Congo | Niue |
Faroe Islands | Hong Kong | Djibouti | Norfolk Island |
Finland | India | Egypt | Northern Mariana Islands |
France | Indonesia | Equatorial Guinea | Palau |
Germany | Iran | Eritrea | Papua New Guinea |
Gibraltar | Iraq | Eswatini | Pitcairn Islands |
Greece | Israel | Ethiopia | Samoa |
Guernsey | Japan | Gabon | Solomon Islands |
Hungary | Jordan | Ghana | Timor-Leste |
Iceland | Kazakhstan | Guinea | Tokelau |
Ireland | Kuwait | Guinea-Bissau | Tonga |
Isle of Man | Kyrgyzstan | Kenya | Tuvalu |
Italy | Laos | Lesotho | United States Minor Outlying Islands |
Jersey | Lebanon | Liberia | Vanuatu |
Latvia | Macau | Libya | Wallis and Futuna |
Liechtenstein | Malaysia | Madagascar | |
Lithuania | Maldives | Malawi | |
Luxembourg | Mongolia | Mali | |
Malta | Myanmar (Burma) | Mauritania | |
Moldova | Nepal | Mauritius | |
Monaco | North Korea | Mayotte | |
Montenegro | Oman | Morocco | |
Netherlands | Pakistan | Mozambique | |
North Macedonia | Palestine | Namibia | |
Norway | Philippines | Niger | |
Poland | Qatar | Nigeria | |
Portugal | Saudi Arabia | Republic of the Congo | |
Romania | Singapore | Reunion | |
Russia | South Korea | Rwanda | |
San Marino | Sri Lanka | Saint Helena | |
Serbia | Syria | São Tomé and Príncipe | |
Slovakia | Taiwan | Senegal | |
Slovenia | Tajikistan | Seychelles | |
Spain | Thailand | Sierra Leone | |
Svalbard and Jan Mayen | Türkiye | Somalia | |
Sweden | Turkmenistan | South Africa | |
Switzerland | United Arab Emirates | South Sudan | |
Ukraine | Uzbekistan | Sudan | |
United Kingdom | Vietnam | Tanzania | |
Vatican City | Yemen | The Gambia | |
Togo | |||
Tunisia | |||
Uganda | |||
Western Sahara | |||
Zambia | |||
Zimbabwe |