Recycle bins that stay in place and are easy to empty. The bins connect to each other as many as desired for recycling.
The Recycle Bins of solid metal accessories are designed with the Green Furniture Concept seating series Nova C and IOU in mind, but also work very well as stand-alone products.
Material: Powder coated steel (color of choice)
80-liter individual volume.
Internal container with handles for quick emptying.
Weighted bottom makes also one piece stable.
Standard recycling texts/icons: Glass, Paper, Trash
Custom color lids, text and icons on the lids available.
Доступність регіону
Європа | Азія | Північна Америка |
Åland Islands | Armenia | Canada |
Albania | Azerbaijan | United States |
Andorra | Bangladesh | |
Austria | Bhutan | |
Belarus | British Indian Ocean Territory | |
Belgium | Brunei | |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Cambodia | |
Bulgaria | China | |
Croatia | Christmas Island | |
Cyprus | Cocos (Keeling) Islands | |
Czech Republic | Georgia | |
Denmark | Hong Kong | |
Estonia | India | |
Faroe Islands | Indonesia | |
Finland | Japan | |
France | Kazakhstan | |
Germany | Kyrgyzstan | |
Gibraltar | Laos | |
Greece | Macau | |
Guernsey | Malaysia | |
Hungary | Maldives | |
Iceland | Mongolia | |
Ireland | Myanmar (Burma) | |
Isle of Man | Nepal | |
Italy | North Korea | |
Jersey | Pakistan | |
Latvia | Philippines | |
Liechtenstein | Singapore | |
Lithuania | South Korea | |
Luxembourg | Sri Lanka | |
Malta | Taiwan | |
Moldova | Tajikistan | |
Monaco | Thailand | |
Montenegro | Turkmenistan | |
Netherlands | Uzbekistan | |
North Macedonia | Vietnam | |
Norway | ||
Poland | ||
Portugal | ||
Romania | ||
Russia | ||
San Marino | ||
Serbia | ||
Slovakia | ||
Slovenia | ||
Spain | ||
Svalbard and Jan Mayen | ||
Sweden | ||
Switzerland | ||
Ukraine | ||
United Kingdom | ||
Vatican City |