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R-Series Remote Annunciators

R-Series Remote Annunciators

Edwards R-Series Annunciators are high-performance remote annunciators that provide status indication and common controls for compatible fire alarm control panels, including iO-Series small analog fire alarm systems. This family of annunciators offers LCD or LED annunciation. Models are available with and without common controls.

There are three R-Series annunciator models, plus an LED-based expander. Up to two expanders can be connected to any annunciator. The expander includes 24 pairs of LEDs that extend the capabilities of any of the annunciators.

All annunciator models include status LEDs and an internal buzzer. Two models have an LCD text display, and one has 16 pairs of LEDs for zone annunciation. LCD models feature a large back-lit, four by twenty character per line, super-twist liquid crystal display.

R-Series annunciators and expanders are mounted on a standard 4-inch square electrical box, using the included mounting ring. They can also be surface mounted in locking steel enclosures. Three different enclosures are available. A keyswitch and graphic annunciator interface is available for R-Series annunciator applications. The keyswitch enables or disables common controls. The graphic annunicator interface cards supports 32 LEDs and 16 switches on the graphic panel display.
Технічна специфікація
  • Унікальний номерedwards-utc-014
  • Сімейство продуктівElectronics
  • Група продуктівFire Detection, Monitoring and Alarm
  • ТипObject (single object)
  • Дата публікації2018-01-07
  • Номер видання1
  • Матеріал основнийPlastic
  • Розроблено вUnited States
  • Виготовлено вChina
  • Категорія BIMobjectFire Products - Захист від вогню
  • Класифікація IFCAlarm
  • Код за ETIMEG000056
  • Назва за ETIMFire protection systems
  • Назва UNSPSCFire alarm systems
  • Код UNSPSC46191505
  • Код Uniclass 2015Pr_75_75_30
  • Опис Uniclass 2015Fire alarm detection devices and control equipment
  • Код CSI MasterFormat 201428 31 63
  • Заголовок CSI MasterFormat 2014Fire Alarm Integrated Audio Visual Evacuation Systems
  • Номер OmniClass23-29 31 11
  • Заголовок OmniClassFire Alarm Annunicator Panels
  • Код CSI UniFormat IID40
  • Заголовок CSI UniFormat IIFIRE PROTECTION

Доступність регіону

Північна Америка
United States

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